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Author:( John Mark S. de Leon)

1.What is the optimal surgical management?

de Leon John Mark S

Philippine Journal of Ophthalmology 2006;31(2):72-84

2.YAG laser rate for posterior capsular opacification (PCO) using varied IOL materials

de Leon John Mark S ; Naval G Carlos G

Philippine Journal of Ophthalmology 2001;26(2):19-21

4.Cup to disc ratio and optic disc size in screening for glaucoma

de Leon John Mark S ; Khu Patricia M ; Dorotheo Edgardo Ulysses N ; Naval Prospero ; Tejada Jeffrey

Philippine Journal of Ophthalmology 2001;26(4):129-135

5.Understanding structure and function in glaucoma

Khu Patricia M ; Aquino Norman M ; Tumbocon Joseph Anthony ; Lat-Luna Ma Margarita ; Martinez Jose Maria ; de Leon John Mark S ; Chung Alejandro N

Philippine Journal of Ophthalmology 2006;31(2):84-91

6.Peripapillary microvascular parameters in unilateral open-angle glaucoma using the optical coherence tomography-angiography

Victor Ephraime V. Paulino ; John Mark S. de Leon

Philippine Journal of Ophthalmology 2022;47(2):56-63

7.Structure-function correlations of glaucoma in Filipinos

Kimberly Ann T. Cotaoco ; Patricia M. Khu ; John Mark S. de Leon ; Ralph Anthony H. de Jesus

Philippine Journal of Ophthalmology 2022;47(2):64-69

8.COVID-19 guidance on the resumption of eye surgery

Jacqueline H. King ; Jubaida M. Aquino ; Rachelle G. Anzures ; John Mark S. de Leon ; Maria Victoria A. Rondaris ; Maria Donna D. Santiago ; Cynthia V. Verzosa

Philippine Journal of Ophthalmology 2021;46(1):2-14

9.COVID-19 testing recommendations prior to elective ophthalmic surgeries

Jacqueline H. King ; Jubaida M. Aquino ; Rachelle G. Anzures ; John Mark S. de Leon ; Maria Victoria A. Rondaris ; Maria Donna D. Santiago ; Cynthia V. Verzosa

Philippine Journal of Ophthalmology 2021;46(1):15-19

10.Clinical profile and treatment outcomes of patients with Neovascular Glaucoma in a Tertiary Hospital in the Philippines

Angela Therese Y. Uy ; John Mark S. de Leon ; Jubaida M. Aquino

Philippine Journal of Ophthalmology 2021;46(2):82-87

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