The Eleventh Joint Meeting of the WPRIM and APAME held in Xi’an, China


An Eleventh Joint Meeting of the Asia Pacific Association of Medical Journal Editors (APAME) and the Western Pacific Region Index Medicus (WPRIM) was held in Xi’an China from 3 to 5 September 2019, which organized by WPRO, APAMAE and IMICAMS.

The first day of the meeting focused on the status of the WPRIM project , the updated journal selection criteria and the searchable in other search engine, such as Google Scholar, Baidu or Naver. Regional Journal Selection Committee also evaluated and approved the candidate journals endorsed by the National Journal Selection Committees for inclusion in WPRIM. There are 16 journals approved by the Regional Journal Selection Committee, including 9 Korean medical journals, 5 Chinese medical journals, 1 Fiji medical journal and 1 Philippines journal.

The Asia Pacific Association of Medical Journal Editors Convention was held on the second and the third day morning of the meeting. The core topic is open, ethic, evaluation and integration, and over 150 participants from Korea, Japan, Singapore, Philippines, Indonesia, Malaysia, Australia, China etc attended this meeting.

The training workshop took place after the academic conference. The main content of the training workshop included WPRIM data management and journal selection, CMeSH, CSCD journal selection and Scopus journal selection.

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