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Journal of Clinical Hepatology
Journal of Clinical Hepatology

- CountryChina
- Publisher《临床肝胆病杂志》编辑部
- ElectronicLinks https://www.lcgdbzz.org/
- Editor-in-chiefJia Jidong
- E-maillcgdb@vip.163.com
- AbbreviationJournal of Clinical Hepatology
- Vernacular Journal Title临床肝胆病杂志
- ISSN1001-5256
- Year Approved2016
- Current Indexing StatusCurrently Indexed
- Start Year1985
- DescriptionJournal of Clinical Hepatology (JCH, ISSN 1001-5256, CN 22-1108/R), founded in 1985, is a national academic journal published by Jilin University under Ministry of Education of the People’s Republic of China. JCH is included in Source Journals for Chinese Scientific and Technical Papers and Citations, and is indexed in Abstract Journal(AJ), Chemical Abstracts (CA), Cambridge Scientific Abstracts (CSA), Index of Copernicus (IC), Centre for Agriculture and Bioscience International(CABI), EBSCOhost Online Research Databases(EBSCOhost), Directory of Open Access Journals(DOAJ), Health InterNetwork Access to Research Initiative(HINARI), The Western Pacific Region Index Medicus(WPRIM), Japan Science & Technology Corporation(JSTChina)and Ulrich's Periodicals Directory (Ulrichsweb). Besides, JCH is the first journal specializing in hepatobiliary and pancreatic diseases in China. Article contents: JCH publishes articles in the fields of hepatobiliary and pancreatic diseases from China and abroad, covering research findings, clinical experiences in diagnosis and treatment, the findings of basic research that are closely related to clinical practice and can serve as a guide for it, new therapies, and new techniques. It places emphasis on both clinical medicine and basic medicine, both traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine, both internal medicine and surgery, and both hepatobiliary and pancreatic diseases.