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WPRIM Management System> DCMS> Chinese Journal of Public Health

Chinese Journal of Public Health

  • CountryChina
  • Publisher中华预防医学会
  • ElectronicLinks http://www.zgggws.com
  • Editor-in-chief
  • E-mailzgggws@vip.sina.com
  • AbbreviationChinese Journal of Public Health
  • Vernacular Journal Title中国公共卫生
  • ISSN1001-0580
  • Year Approved2009
  • Current Indexing StatusCurrently Indexed
  • Start Year1985
  • Description历史沿革【现用刊名:中国公共卫生;曾用刊名:中国公共卫生(基层版);创刊时间:1985】,该刊被以下数据库收录【CA 化学文摘(美)(2009)】,核心期刊【中文核心期刊(2008);中文核心期刊(2004);中文核心期刊(2000);中文核心期刊(1996)】,期刊荣誉【Caj-cd规范获奖期刊】。

Chinese Journal of Public Health:  1985 to Present   ISSN: 1001-0580