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Chinese Journal of Medical Science Research Management
Chinese Journal of Medical Science Research Management

- CountryChina
- Publisher
- ElectronicLinks https://zhyxkyglzz.yiigle.com/
- Editor-in-chief董尔丹
- E-mailcjmsrm@cmaph.org
- AbbreviationChinese Journal of Medical Science Research Management
- Vernacular Journal Title中华医学科研管理杂志
- ISSN1006-1924
- Year Approved2007
- Current Indexing StatusCurrently Indexed
- Start Year1988
- DescriptionChinese Journal of Medical Science Research Management reports the advances and progress in current medical research management discipline and science. It is aimed at a wide domestic and international readership among clinic, teaching and researching professionals in medical research theories, policies, methods, foundations, achievements, talents, disciplines, information systems, experiences, and other related fields. It was established in March 1988, and is now indexed by Chinese Science and Technology Paper and Citation Database (CSTPCD), CNKI, Wanfang Data, etc. The impact factor of Chinese Journal of Medical Science Research Management is 1.107 in 2021, ranking first among medical research management journals in China.