Volume: 28 Issue: 2

1. Shortening of Korean Patient Classification System-1 and Classification of Nursing Care Needs Page:198—209
2. Verification of the Reliability and Validity of the Korean Pediatric Patient Classification System and Estimation of Nursing Time Conversion Index Page:185—197
3. Affecting Factors of Small and Medium-sized Hospital Nurses’ Intention on Retention: Focused on Resilience and Followership Page:177—184
4. Driveline Infections Incidence According to Dressing Methods for Patients with Left Ventricular Assist Device Implantation Page:167—176
5. Delirium Screening, Delirium Knowledge, and Delirium Care among Hospital Nurses at a Tertiary Hospital based on Postoperative Delirium Cases Page:157—166
6. Effects of Empowerment, Infection Control Organizational Culture and Infection Control Awareness on Performance among Nurses in Long-Term Care Hospitals Page:146—156
7. The Incidence and risk factors of delirium in elderly surgical patients Page:137—145
8. Recommendation for the Amendment of Inpatient Nursing Fee Schedules Based on Nurse Staffing Standards in General Wards of Tertiary Hospitals and General Hospitals Page:122—136
9. The Effect of Mobile Web-Based COVID-19 Isolation Hospitalization Management Training on Patient Uncertainty, Anxiety and Nursing Education Satisfaction Page:112—121
10. Effects of Nurses' Workplace Violence Experiences on Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder: Focusing on the Moderating Effect of Resilience and Social Support at Work Page:99—111
11. Relationship between Uncertainty, Self Efficacy, Social Support, and Self-Care Performance in Liver Transplant Recipients Page:89—98