Volume: 26 Issue: 3

1. Cross Mapping of Standardized Nursing Diagnoses and Problems with NANDA-I in 4 Tertiary Hospitals Page:374—384
2. The Experience of Male Nurses Working in Intensive Care Units Page:352—364
3. Nursing Hours and Nurse Staffing according to Korean Triage Acuity Scale and Patient Dependency Page:395—406
4. Development and Validation of a Education Nurse Specialist-Led Education Satisfaction Scale for Nurses Working at Comprehensive Nursing Care Service Wards Page:285—295
5. The Influence of Reality Shock and Educational Specialist Nurse's Social Support on Organizational Socialization of New Nurses Page:344—351
6. Differences in Coping and Adaptation Processing, Organizational Socialization according to the New Nurse's Experience of Bullying in Workplace Page:337—343
7. Moderating and Mediating Effects of Resilience in the Relationship between Work Intensity, Interpersonal Conflict and Burnout among Nurses Page:275—284
8. Effect of Preoperative Warming on Prevention of Hypothermia during Surgery in Patients with Total Hip Replacement Arthroplasty under Spinal Anesthesia Page:365—373
9. Effect of a Complex Leg Exercise Program for Hemodialysis Patients with Restless Legs Syndrome Page:385—394
10. Changes in Positive Psychological Capital, Organizational Commitment and Burnout for Newly Graduated Nurses Page:327—336
11. Factors Influencing Radiation Protection Behaviors of Endoscopy Nurses during Endoscopic Interventional Radiology Page:305—313
12. Effects of Uncertainty, Social Support, and Sick Role Behavior on Health-Related Quality of Life in Patients with Peripheral Arterial Disease Page:314—326
13. Postoperative Pain Management Status led by Nurse of Acute Pain Service Page:296—304