WPRIM Management System> DCMS> International Journal of Arrhythmia> 2021> 22> 3

Volume: 22 Issue: 3

1. Myths and misperceptions in pacemaker patients: a quasi experimental study to assess effect of an educational intervention Page:10—
2. Lower dementia risk with anticoagulation and ablation in patients with atrial fibrillation Page:17—
3. Ablation of idiopathic ventricular arrhythmias originating from basal cardiac crux region Page:15—
4. High‑definition mapping of the atria using a novel multipolar mapping catheter in patients with complex adult congenital heart disease Page:14—
5. Diagnosis of catecholaminergic polymorphic ventricular tachycardia during late adulthood due to a rare genetic variant in RYR2: a case report Page:13—
6. Left atrial ıntramural hematoma after radiofrequency catheter ablation of left lateral accessory pathway Page:12—
7. Myths and misperceptions in pacemaker patients: a quasi experimental study to assess effect of an educational intervention Page:10—
8. Lower dementia risk with anticoagulation and ablation in patients with atrial fibrillation Page:17—
9. Ablation of idiopathic ventricular arrhythmias originating from basal cardiac crux region Page:15—
10. High‑definition mapping of the atria using a novel multipolar mapping catheter in patients with complex adult congenital heart disease Page:14—
11. Diagnosis of catecholaminergic polymorphic ventricular tachycardia during late adulthood due to a rare genetic variant in RYR2: a case report Page:13—
12. Left atrial ıntramural hematoma after radiofrequency catheter ablation of left lateral accessory pathway Page:12—