Volume: 14 Issue: 1

1. Event-related Potential Patterns Reflect Reversed Hemispheric Activity during Visual Attention Processing in Children with Dyslexia: A Preliminary Study. Page:33—42
2. Development of a Korean Version of the Perceived Deficits Questionnaire-Depression for Patients with Major Depressive Disorder. Page:26—32
3. Therapeutic Misconception in Psychiatry Research: A Systematic Review. Page:17—25
4. Cognitive Deficits as a Mediator of Poor Occupational Function in Remitted Major Depressive Disorder Patients. Page:1—16
5. Curly Hair Induced by Valproate in Bipolar Disorder. Page:114—114
6. Cocaine-induced Psychosis and Brain-derived Neurothrophic Factor in Patients with Cocaine Dependence: Report of Two Cases. Page:109—113
7. An Unusual Case of Delirium after Restarting Clozapine. Page:107—108
8. Risperidone Induced Pisa Syndrome in a Male Adolescent. Page:104—106
9. Metformin for Lithium-induced Weight Gain: A Case Report. Page:101—103
10. Paliperidone Palmitate-induced Urinary Incontinence: A Case Report. Page:96—100
11. Association between the 5-HTTLPR Genotype and Childhood Characteristics in Mood Disorders. Page:88—95
12. Advanced Test of Attention in Children with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder in Japan for Evaluation of Methylphenidate and Atomoxetine Effects. Page:79—87
13. Effects of Oxcarbazepine and Levetiracetam on Calcium, Ionized Calcium, and 25-OH Vitamin-D3 Levels in Patients with Epilepsy. Page:74—78
14. Deficits in Verbal Working Memory among College Students with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Traits: An Event-related Potential Study. Page:64—73
15. Practice of Acute and Maintenance Electroconvulsive Therapy in the Psychiatric Clinic of a University Hospital from Turkey: between 2007 and 2013. Page:57—63
16. Psychometric Properties of the Korean Version of the Clinical Language Disorder Rating Scale (CLANG). Page:49—56
17. Serum Levels of Growth Factors in Alcohol-dependent Patients according to Comorbid Depressive Symptoms. Page:43—48