WPRIM Management System> DCMS> China Pharmacist> 2023> 26> 11

Volume: 26 Issue: 11

1. Mechanism study of celecoxib to improve neurological function in rats with acute intracerebral hemorrhage by inhibiting inflammation through the MAPK/ERK signal pathway Page:181—188
2. Effect of thioridazine on the proliferation,migration and invasion of liver cancer Huh-7 cells by regulating miR-3174 expression Page:189—196
3. Preparation of Rubus parvifolius L.dispersible tablets and determination of its dissolution rate Page:197—203
4. Quality evaluation of Fangshu Qingre mixture based on UPLC fingerprint and chemical recognition pattern Page:204—212
5. Quality evaluation of Huanglian Shangqing tablets(pills and granules)based on GC characteristic chromatogram of volatile oil Page:213—224
6. UPLC fingerprint establishment of extract of Cuscutae Semen and study on the relationship between antioxidant spectrum and effect Page:225—232
7. Pharmacoeconomic evaluation of different doses of rivaroxaban for the prevention of thrombosis in patients with nonvalvular atrial fibrillation Page:233—240
8. Evaluation of the efficacy and safety of Camrelizumab combined with Shenqi Fuzheng injection in the treatment of advanced non-squamous non-small cell lung cancer patients Page:241—248
9. Clinical analysis of the analgesic effect of general anesthesia combined with different concentrations of ropivacaine for abdominal transverse muscle planar block in laparoscopic appendectomy Page:249—256
10. Clinical correlation study of Naomai Jiejing decoction on aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage Page:257—263
11. Effects of recombinant human brain natriuretic peptide combined with levosimendan on cardiac function,myocardial fibrosis and safety in patients with acute heart failure Page:264—271
12. Efficacy and safety of Shenqi Fuzheng injection combined with docetaxel treatment regime in patients with metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer Page:272—278
13. Retrospective study of effect of inhaled corticosteroids on prognosis of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease associated with community-acquired pneumonia Page:279—285
14. The effects of butylphthalide soft capsule on the expression of uric acid and the pathological changes of white matter in patients with moderate and severe leukoaraiosis Page:286—292
15. The impact of empirical antibiotic treatment on the prognosis of patients with acute calculous cholecystitis Page:293—297
16. The effects of sacubitril-valsartan tablets on the expressions of NT-proBNP,cTnⅠ and cardiac function in patients with chronic cardiac insufficiency Page:298—303
17. Analysis of medicinal value of gold based on ancient and modern comparison Page:304—310
18. The clinical value of UPLC-MS/MS method for the determination of plasma and tissue isoniazid concentration in lymph node tuberculosis patients Page:311—318
19. Multi-component comprehensive quality evaluation of Tongjing ointment Page:319—331
20. Improvement of quality standard of Xiaojin capsules Page:332—338
21. Establishment of a discrinatory dissolution method for orlistat capule and evalution of the similarity of dissolution curue Page:339—345
22. Effects of Anemarrhenae Rhizoma on the dissolution of 6 inorganic elements in Gypsum Fibrosum under different compatibility ratio based on grey correlation analysis and TOPSIS model Page:346—354
23. Determination of illegally added metolazone in tablet candy by Captiva EMR-Lipid technology combined with UPLC-Q-TOF/MS Page:355—360