Volume: 57 Issue: 3

1. Flapless implant placement with digital 3D imaging and planning system in fully edentulous patient: A case report and 5-year follow-up Page:312—320
2. Use of digital scan data for evaluation of edentulous ridge relationship: A case report for removable prosthesis with unilateral cross bite Page:304—311
3. Fabrication of complete dentures by conventional method and CAD/CAM milling: A case report Page:296—303
4. Full mouth rehabilitation of patient with severe dental caries with implant fixed prosthesis fabricated with milling and 3D printing method: A case report Page:288—295
5. Full mouth rehabilitation of a patient with severe tooth erosion with a digital crown lengthening guide Page:280—287
6. Implant overdenture of mandible with severe unilateral atrophy: Report of two cases Page:271—279
7. A noninvasive esthetic treatment of isolated microdontia using new high-translucent cubic-phase zirconia (5Y-PSZ) laminate veneers: A case report Page:263—270
8. The use of implant surveyed fixed prosthesis for removable partial denture with a few unilateral remaining teeth: A case report Page:254—262
9. Implant treatment on anterior cross-bite of a patient who had orthognathic surgery 20 years ago Page:245—253
10. Functional impression technique using temporary denture for rehabilitation of severely atrophic maxillary and mandibular ridges Page:238—244
11. Rehabilitation of fully edentulous patient using Ceramill full denture system (FDS) Page:232—237
12. Comparison analysis of fracture load and flexural strength of provisional restorative resins fabricated by different methods Page:225—231
13. Time efficiency and operator convenience of using a micro-screw in image registration for guided implant surgery Page:219—224
14. Comparative evaluation of marginal and internal fit of metal copings fabricated by various CAD/CAM methods Page:211—218
15. Effect of abutment superimposition process of dental model scanner on final virtual model Page:203—210