Volume: 42

1. A study on the complete retrieval system of the cementation type implant abutment. Page:597—607
2. The effect of the difference of the implant fixture and abutment diameter for stress distribution. Page:583—596
3. The effect of fermented foods on the color change of soft denture liners. Page:572—582
4. The evaluation of the removal torque and the histomorphometry of the Ca-P coating surface in rabbit tibia. Page:556—571
5. The reproducibility of various porcelain color selection systems using spectrophotometry. Page:544—555
6. Comparison of fracture strength and pattern of endodontically treated teeth restored with fiber posts and metal cast post. Page:535—543
7. Geometrical analysis on the dentofacial composition of korean beautiful woman. Page:524—534
8. Influence of several posts and IPS-Empress ingot thickness on the final shade of all-ceramic crowns. Page:514—523
9. Effect of etching time on shear bond strength of resin cements to reinforced all-ceramic crowns. Page:501—513
10. The fit of zirconia core fabricated with CAD/CAM system. Page:489—500
11. Marginal fit of the auro galvano crown system made using the electroforming technique. Page:679—683
12. Bone response of three different surface implants: histomorphometric and resonance frequency analysis in dogs. Page:671—678
13. The effect of abutment height on screw loosening in single implant-supported prostheses after dynamic cyclic loading. Page:664—670
14. Macro-shear bond strength and micro-shear bond strength of ceromer bonded to metal alloy and fiber reinforced composite. Page:654—663
15. Fracture strengths of ceromer crowns supported on the various abutment core materials. Page:647—653
16. The effort of various mixing methods on dynamic viscoelasticity of a temporary soft lining material; coe-comfort. Page:641—646
17. Changes of abutment screw after repeated closing and opening. Page:628—640
18. A tissue response to the titanium alloy (Ti-13Zr-6Nb) in vivo. Page:619—627
19. A study on fitness of several domestic implant fixture and abutment screws. Page:94—109
20. A vitro study of retained screw stability by various connection designs between fixture and abutment in implant dentistry. Page:83—93
21. Double crown retained removable partial denture -4 years in retrospect. Page:73—82
22. A study on the stress distribution of the all ceramic crowns according to the cusp angle of the maxillary first premolar using three dimensional finite element method. Page:58—72
23. Comparative study of fracture strength depending on the thickness of some all ceramic cores. Page:49—57
24. The study on the color stability of resin cement used in all ceramic crown. Page:41—48
25. Shear bond strength of composite resin core used in combination with various resin cements and dentin bonding agents. Page:30—40
26. Agar-alginate combined impression technique and dimensional change resulting from idophor disinfection. Page:21—29
27. Influence of individual tooth tray on the teeth with undercut in impression taking. Page:11—20
28. A novel 3D scan method to quantify teeth wear. Page:1—10
29. Fit of fixture/abutment interface of internal connection implant system. Page:192—209
30. The effect of growth factors in platelet-rich plasma on the activity of osteoblast cell line. Page:175—191
31. Effect of surface design on bond strength of relining denture resin. Page:167—174
32. Effects of abutment splinting on stress distribution in unilateral distal extension RPD. Page:154—166
33. The study of flexural strength of various zirconia ceramics. Page:142—153
34. A study on the color stability of porcelain repair resins. Page:133—141
35. The optimal design of connectors in all ceramic fixed partial dentures manufactured from alumina tape. Page:125—132
36. Effect of impression technique on the accuracy of master cast for implant prosthesis. Page:238—247
37. Stress analysis of supporting tissues and implants according to implant fixture shapes and implant-abutment connections. Page:226—237
38. Effects of surface coating on the screw release of dental implant screw. Page:210—225
39. Radiographic evaluation of the proximal bone level between two implants: A 3-year comparative study between Branemark and ITI implants in the mandibular posterior region. Page:458—470
40. Shade analysis of artificial teeth using shade scan(TM) system. Page:443—457
41. A photoelastic stress analysis of fixed partial dentures with endopore implants according to splinting, contact tightness, and crown length. Page:425—442
42. A photoelastic stress analysis of fixed partial dentures with bicon implants on mandibular posterior area. Page:412—424
43. Effect of anchorage systems and palatal coverage of denture base on load transfer with maxillary implant-supporting overdentures : A three-dimensional photoelastic stress analysis. Page:397—411
44. Effect of surface treatments of zirconia ceramic on the bond strength of resin cements. Page:386—396
45. A study on the responses of osteoblasts to various surface-treated titanium. Page:307—326
46. Resonance frequency analysis of impl-ants with anodized surface oxides. Page:294—300
47. The fracture characteristics of glass fiber post and core on using different types of core resin materials. Page:280—293
48. Stress analysis with nonlinear modelling of the load transfer characteristics across the osseointegrated interfaces of dental implant. Page:267—277
49. Effect of titanium surface roughness on cell adhesion of human osteoblast-like cells (MG63). Page:261—266
50. Effect of surface roughness of acrylic resin on the adhesion of bacteria. Page:373—385
51. Finite element stress analysis of implant prosthesis with internal connection between the implant and the abutment. Page:356—372
52. The effect of fermented foods on the color and hardness change of denture base acrylic resins. Page:344—355
53. Cytocompatibility of thermally oxidized Ti-Ag alloys. Page:333—343