WPRIM Management System> DCMS> Chinese Journal of Analytical Chemistry> 2001> 29> 6

Volume: 29 Issue: 6

1. Nitrasotion of Astemizole Followed by Its Determination Using Single-sweep Oscillopolarography Page:703—706
2. Indirect Determination of Ascorbic Acid by Square Wave Polarogra phy Page:707—709
3. Tetrasubstituted Sulphonated Aluminum Phthalocyanine-Cat ionic Surfactant System for Fluorimetric Determination of Ethanol in Alcoholic Beverage Page:710—712
4. Analysis of Cholic Acid, Deoxycholic Acid and Chenodeoxycholic Acid in the Traditional Chinese Compound Medicine——“Qingkailing” Injection by High Performance Liquid Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry/MassSpectrometry Page:621—624
5. Study of Isothermal Adsorption of Bovine γGlobulin on Nylon Affinity Membrane with LTryptophane Ligand by Batch Method Page:637—641
6. Determination of α-Hydroxytriazolam and α-Hydroxyalprazolam in Human Urine by Gas Chromatogrphy/Electron-Capture Detector Page:642—645
7. Interaction Between Quinolone Antibacterial Agents and Catalase by Fluorescence Spectroscopy Page:646—648
8. Catalysis of Ruthenium in the Oxidation Reaction of Methylene Blue with Periodate and Its Analytical Application Page:649—652
9. Determination of Pt,Pd,Ru,Rh,Ir and Au in Geological Samples By Double Focusing High Resolution Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry Page:653—656
10. Capillary Electrophoresis of Neurotransmitters Under the Control of Radial Electric Field Page:661—663
11. Extraction of Active Compound in Curcuma Phaeocaulis Valeton by Supercritical Fluid Extraction and Trapping with Silica Gel Column Page:664—666
12. Adsorptive Voltammetric Behavior of Riboflavine Tetrabut yrate and Its Measurement of Rate Constant at the Mercury Electrode Page:667—670
13. Determination of Depolymerization Products in Supercritic al Methanolysis of Poly(ethylene terephthalate)polyester by Reversed Phase High Performance Liquid Chromatography Page:676—678
14. Preparation of Lanthanum*# Substituted PropertyHeptadecatungstodiphosphate- Polypyrrole Film Modified Electrode and Its Electr Page:679—681
15. Transport of Glutamic Acid at Emulsion Liquid Membrane System Page:682—684
16. Electrochemistry and Electrocatalysis of Electropolymerized Vitamin B1 Film Electrode Page:713—715
17. Application of Mass Spectrometry in Structural Analysis of Saccharides Page:716—720
18. Trends in Fluorescence Probe of Deoxyribonucleic Acid Page:721—724
19. Determination of Gasoline Properties by Fourier Transform Infr ared Spectroscopy Page:731—734
20. Preparation and Characterization of Capillary Gas Chromatographi c Column Using Butylammonium Toluensulfonate as Stationary Phase Page:699—702
21. Application of Fourier Transform in Current Separation of Fast Scanning Voltammetry Page:625—628
22. Determination of Trace Selenium in Environmental Waters After Microwave Digestion and Fluorometric Determination with 2,3-Diamino-naphthalene Page:629—632
23. The Relationship Between the Reversed Phase High Performance Liquid Chromatographic Retention Behavior of Prion 113-120 Peptide and Stability of Conformation Page:633—636
24. Separation of Metal Chelates and Organometallic Compounds by Supercritical Fluid Chromatography Page:725—730