WPRIM Management System> DCMS> Chinese Journal of Analytical Chemistry> 2001> 29> 4

Volume: 29 Issue: 4

1. Analysis of Cobalt Phthalocyanine Sulfonates byhin Layer Chromatography-Flame Ionization Detector Page:484—488
2. Two New Ways to Improve the Sensitivity of Spectrophotometry Page:478—483
3. The Development of Process Analytical Chemistry Page:473—477
4. Development of Renewable Surface Techniques in Flow Injection Analysis Page:466—472
5. Capillary Electrophoresis——An Attractive Alternative Tool for Analyses ofGenetic Mutations/Polymorphisms Page:461—465
6. The Application of Correspondence Analysis toFactorial Experiment for Analysis of Cephalosporinwith Reversed Phase High Performance Liquid chromatography Page:457—460
7. Qualitative Determination of Organotin Species in Lard byGas Chromatography with Flame Photometric Detector andGas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry Page:453—456
8. Hydrolysis Reaction Condition for Quantification of Ginkgo Flavonoid Glycosides Page:450—452
9. The Application of Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrometer to theSmoke Determination Page:443—445
10. Variable Selection for Partial Least Squares Modelingby Genetic Algorithms Page:437—442
11. Analysis of Polyimide Resin byReversed Phase Ion Pair Suppression Chromatography Page:434—436
12. Chiral Resolution of Optical Isomers of α-Chloro-N-phenyl propanamide by Reversed Phase HighPerformance Liquid Chromatography Page:431—433
13. Fe(CN)3-6 Chemiluminescence System for the Determination of Rutin Page:428—430
14. A Simple Method for the Determination of Glucose Page:425—427
15. High Performance Liquid Chromatographic Separation ofLactic acid Enantiomer Using Chiral Mobile Phase Additives Page:413—415
16. Resolution of Racemic Thyroxine with Chiral Additive asMobile Phase by High Performance Liquid Chromatography Page:406—409
17. Simultaneous Spectrophotometric Determination of Zinc, Cadmiumand Mercury with Hybrid Linear Analysis Page:396—399
18. Determination of Methyl-parathion Using Luminol-based Chemiluminescence Flow Injection Method Page:373—377