Volume: 33 Issue: 9

1. Comparison of postoperative pulmonary function between segmentectomy and lobectomy in patients with early stage lung cancer: a meta-analysis Page:534—538
2. The correlation analysis and predictive value of peak expiratory flow on pulmonary infection after esophageal carcinoma operation Page:557—560
3. The feasibility of hybrid procedure of percutaneous puncture for residual shunt after ventricular septal defect repair Page:539—541
4. Outcome of surgical intervention for non-small-cell lung cancer patients with pleural carcinomatosis first detected at thoracotomy Page:522—526
5. Modified inflation-deflation for 146 thoracscopic cone-shaped segmentectomies Page:517—521
6. Advance of improving the survival rate of transplanted cells in myocardial infarction area Page:573—576
7. Mid-to long-term outcomes of frozen elephant trunk and total arch replacement in patients with acute type A dissection Page:549—556
8. Surgical management of secondery subaortic stenosis after repair of congenital heart disease: a ten-year experience Page:546—548
9. Route selection for modified fontan in patients with functional single ventricle and apicocaval juxtaposition Page:542—545
10. Correlation factors of N1 lymph node metastasis in patients with lung adenocarcinoma Page:530—533
11. Study on relationship between imageology and pathology of 624 patients with T1 stage lung cancer Page:527—529
12. Pretreatment diagnosis and surgical management of minimally invasive adenocarcinoma Page:513—516