Volume: 33 Issue: 6

1. Heterogeneity of two different lesions harboring dual-EGFR mutations in patient with lung adenocarcinoma : one case report Page:376—378
2. Paraneoplastic acral vascular syndrome of lung cancer: a case report and review of the literature Page:374—375
3. Cardiac surgery during pregnancy: a report of two cases Page:373—374
4. Cardiac surgery during pregnancy : a report of two cases Page:372—373
5. Technical analysis of mitral valve repair in ostium primum atrial septal defect: is annuloplasty necessary Page:363—364
6. Clinical application of thulium laser in thoracoscopic resection of pulmonary nodules Page:360—362
7. Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation for refractory cardiogenic shock after aortic surgery: risk factors of in-hospital mortality Page:351—354
8. Hybrid aortic arch replacement for aortic arch disease Page:347—350
9. Simultaneous endovascular aortic repair and coronary artery bypass grafting Page:338—342
10. Results of false lumen status of different methods for aortic arch treatment in Stanford A aortic dissection Page:333—337
11. Clinical characters and surgical treatment of unroofed coronary sinus syndrome Page:321—325
12. Development of biodegradable occluders in device closure treatment for congenital heart defects Page:380—384
13. Pseudoaneurysm of internal mammary artery caused by blunt chest trauma : CT fertures and endovascular treatment in 1 case Page:378—379
14. Intraoperative esophagoscopy-assisted thoracoscopic enucleation of small sized esophageal leiomyoma Page:370—371
15. Clinical features and prognosis of patients with acute aortic dissection Page:367—369
16. The three cases about the change of end-tidal carbon dioxide indate pulmonary arterial perfusion disorders in pulmonary lobectomy Page:365—366
17. The regularity and clinical significance of intrapulmonary lobar and segmental lymph nodes metastasis in patients with cT1N0M0 stage lung adenocarcinoma Page:355—359
18. Hormone drugs and surgery treatment for Takayasu arteritis Page:343—346
19. Sugical repair of double aortic arch associated with complex cardiac anomalies Page:326—329
20. The surgical treatment for Stanford B aortic dissection with proximal aortic aneurysm by Enblock technique Page:330—332