Volume: 33 Issue: 11

1. Experience of treatment for very early stage lung adenocarcinoma of 1817 cases Page:655—657
2. Emergency treatment for aorto-esophageal fistula by endovascular aortic repair Page:658—662
3. Comparative study of totally thoracoscopic and median thoracotomy surgery in the repair of atrial septal defect Page:663—665
4. The surgical strategy and outcomes for pulmonary valve preservation in repair of tetralogy of Fallot in young children Page:666—669
5. Short-term research of aortic valve neo-cuspidization in aortic valve disease: a single center study Page:670—672
6. The clinical outcomes comparison of combined versus staged approach on concomitant carotid and coronary severe stenosis patients Page:673—676
7. Clinical analysis and treatment of patients with cerebral infarction after cardiac surgery Page:677—680
8. Perioperative management of patients undergoing cardiac surgery and the timing of surgery in dialysis patients Page:681—682,688
9. Surgical treatment of tracheal diverticulum Page:683—684
10. The application of aortic balloon occlusion technique in total arch replacement and frozen elephant trunk surgery in type A aortic dissection Page:685—686
11. Hook-wire positioning thoracoscopic resection of lung nodules in the positioning pin along the walk of the pulmonary artery: one case report Page:687—688
12. Clincal report of one case of leukemoid reaction in esophageal squamous cell carcinoma Page:689—689
13. Whole esophagus burns with liquid metal :a case report Page:690—690
14. Single ventricle separation in 1 case Page:691—692
15. Analysis of risk factors of postoperative in patients spinal cord ischemic injury undergoing aortic dissection surgery Page:693—694
16. Cardiac infarction combined with mitral valve insufficiency: one case report Page:695,700—695,700
17. Lipoma of right ventricles: one ease report Page:696—696
18. Advances in research of spreading through air spaces of lung cancer Page:697—700
19. The present studies of noninvasive assessment in early postoperative care of congenital heart disease Page:701—704