WPRIM Management System> DCMS> Chinese Journal of Urology> 2011> 32> 8

Volume: 32 Issue: 8

1. Short-term effect of rehabilitation training on children with neuropathic acontractile sphincter incontinence Page:550—553
2. Urodynamic analysis on spinal cord injury patients with urinary voiding dysfunction Page:546—549
3. Value of direct vision internal urethrotomy in treatment of urethral stricture-twenty-year clinical experience Page:554—557
4. Clinical significance of B-mode ultrasound found bladder trabeculation in BPH patients Page:539—541
5. Trend of prostate cancer diagnosed in Beijing Hospital from 1995 to 2008 Page:535—538
6. Effects of solifenacin on overactive bladder patients Page:528—531
7. Retroperitoneoscopic heminephroureterectomy for the treatment of duplex kidney anomalies ( report of 9 cases) Page:521—524
8. Retroperitoneoscopic adrenalectomy in semilateral supine position Page:509—511
9. Application value of ureteroscopytherapy in the treatment of hematospermia Page:558—560
10. Significance of preoperative detrusor contractility to the postoperative assessment of prostatectomy for benign prostatic hyperplasia Page:542—545
11. Efficacy of solifenacin with or without tamsulosin in patients with overactive bladder Page:532—534
12. Percutaneous nephrolithotomy for treating upper urinary calculi under local anesthesia ( report of 1363 cases) Page:525—527
13. Tuberous sclerosis complex associated renal clear cell carcinoma ( a case report and literature review) Page:517—520
14. Multidisciplinary treatment for renal cell carcinoma involving inferior vena cava Page:512—516