WPRIM Management System> DCMS> Chinese Journal of Urology> 2011> 32> 5

Volume: 32 Issue: 5

1. Investigation of the prevalence of urolithiasis in 66 772 individuals in Changsha Page:336—338
2. Tension-free vaginal tape-SECUR (TVT-S) for the treatment of female stress urinary incontinence Page:326—329
3. The classification of ureter disease by the level of difficulty and risk during rigid ureteroscopic surgery Page:321—325
4. A novel ex vivo model For percutaneous renal surgery Page:344—347
5. Construction of lentiviral vector of mFVII/Fc fusion gene and the research of its expression in human bone mesenchymal stem cells Page:339—343
6. A clinical comparative study of Chinese Shang Ring circumcision versus conventional circumcision Page:333—335
7. Transobturator tension-free tape procedure for treatment of female stress urinary incontinence: A report of 206 cases Page:330—332
8. An analysis of the curative effect of 1 and 2 ureters anastomosis in modified sigma operation Page:318—320
9. An experimental study measuring arterial injury in vitro porcine kidney in different sizes of nephrostomy tracts Page:316—317
10. Clinical analysis of six cases of nephroblastomatosis combined with Wilm's tumor Page:313—315
11. Clinical analysis of renal cell carcinoma with regional lymph node metastasis Page:310—312
12. Abdominal radical surgery and regional lymph node dissection for treatment of renal carcinoma (report of 136 cases) Page:307—309
13. The safety and efficacy of partial nephrectomy in the treatment of renal tumors Page:303—306
14. Selective arterial embolization in giant pheochromocytoma Page:299—302
15. The diagnosis and treatment of extra-adrenal pheochromocytoma Page:295—298
16. Clinical analysis of 128 cases of adrenal incidentalomas Page:292—294