WPRIM Management System> DCMS> Chinese Journal of Urology> 2011> 32> 12

Volume: 32 Issue: 12

1. Effect of PARP on apoptosis and proliferation in androgen dependent prostate cancer LNCaP cells Page:839—842
2. Anti-infection effect of human beta-defensin-2 gene therapy in a rat urinary tract infection model Page:846—849
3. Clinical study of second transurethral resection combined with instillation therapy and transfusion therapy of dendritic cells pulsed with tumor cells in non muscle-invasive bladder cancer Page:835—838
4. Comparison of health related quality of life of ileal conduit versus orthotopic ileal neobladder Page:832—834
5. Effects of antisense oligodeoxyribonucleotides of eIF4E on the expression of eIF4E and heparanase in human bladder carcinoma BIU-87 cells Page:827—831
6. Transumbilical laparoendoscopic single-site pyeloplasty in infants and children: initial experience Page:823—826
7. Diagnosis and treatment of bilateral multiple renal angiomyolipomas associated with tuberous sclerosis complex Page:819—822
8. Penectomy and simultaneously modified radical inguinal lymphadenectomy for penile carcinoma: a retrospective study Page:803—806
9. Improving the voding dysfunction by a 5-HT1A receptor agonist in rats with chronic spinal cord injury Page:850—853
10. Predictive value of spiral CT in composition changes of pediatric urinary stones Page:843—845
11. Expression and clinical significance of T-lymphoma invasion and metastasis 1 protein in renal cell carcinoma Page:815—818
12. Modified technique of radical inguinal lymphadenectomy to reduce the complication of skin necrosis for penile carcinoma Page:811—814
13. Construction of a nomogram to predict disease free survival in node-positive penile cancer treated with surgery Page:807—810
14. Patterns of recurrence and prognostic factors of disease free survival in penile squamous cell carcinoma treated with lymphadenectomy Page:799—802