WPRIM Management System> DCMS> Chinese Journal of Urology> 2009> 30> 9

Volume: 30 Issue: 9

1. Sodium hyaluronate in the treatment of interstitial cystitis Page:599—601
2. Left transperitoneal laparuscopic pyeloplusty with direct access to the nreteropelvic junction Page:596—598
3. Pre-transplant donor reactive IFN-γ producing cell and TGF-β producing cell frequencies and their clinical significance Page:592—595
4. Renal cell carcinoma associated with Xp11.2 translocation/TFE3 gene fusion Page:585—587
5. Clinical and pathological characteristics of adrenal lipomatous tumors Page:581—584
6. Ultraselective internal iliac artery chemotherapy and embolism for hormone-refractory prostate cancer Page:619—622
7. Combination of protamine sulfate and potassium chloride in establishing the interstitial cystitis animal model Page:602—605
8. Diagnosis and treatment of posterior urethral stricture: twenty-year clinical experience Page:635—638
9. Effect of berbamine combined with flutamide on human prostatic cancer LNCaP cell line in vitro Page:623—626
10. Efficacy and safety of Bicalutamide 150 mg as the monotherapy in the treatment of locally advanced prostate cancer Page:614—618
11. Efficacy and safety of Solifenacin in the treatment of patients with urgency and urge incontinence WU Page:630—634
12. Development and application of a porcine heart tissue model for 2 micron continuous wave laser endoscopic technique training Page:627—629
13. Relation of pituitary tumor transforming gene expression changes and prostate cancer progression after the maximum androgen blockade therapy Page:609—613
14. Expression and clinical significance of survivin in transitional cell carcinoma of bladder Page:606—608
15. Application of preoperative three dimensional helical CT assessment in retroperitoneal laparoscopic nephron-sparing surgery Page:588—591