WPRIM Management System> DCMS> Chinese Journal of Urology> 2009> 30> 2

Volume: 30 Issue: 2

1. Analysis of granzyme B mRNA and perforin mRNA levels in urine for renal transplantation patients with de-layed graft function Page:107—110
2. Assistance of three-dimensional reconstruction of spiral CT for staghorn calculi in percutaneous nephro-lithotomy Page:97—99
3. Histopathological characters of calcium salt deposits on renal papilla in patients with infectious calculi Page:94—96
4. Diagnosis and treatment of renal cell carcinoma associated with von Hippel-Lindau disease Page:90—93
5. Clinical value of intravesical prostatic protrusion measured by transabdominal ultrasonography in judge-ment of benign prostatic obstruction Page:120—123
6. Laparoscopic radical prostatectomy: transperitoneal anterior bladder approach versus transperitoneal pos-terior bladder approach Page:117—119
7. Pelvic lymphadenectomy in radical cystectomy Page:114—116
8. Retroperitoneal laparoscopic dismembered pyeloplasty for ureteropelvic junction obstruction Page:111—113
9. Imaging diagnostic features of adrenal injury Page:85—89
10. Diagnosis and treatment on normotensive pheochromocytomas Page:77—80
11. Minimally invasive surgical procedures treated urinary calculi caused by melamine in infants Page:103—106
12. Transposition of pedicled adrenal gland for the treatment of adrenocortical and medullary hyperplasia Page:81—84
13. BPH combined with prostatitis:differences in clinical characters Page:127—129
14. Relationship between benign prostatic hyperplasia and chronic prostatitis Page:124—126
15. Laparoscopic orchiopexy for inguinal cryptorchidism Page:133—135
16. Laparoscopic retroperitoneal lymph node dissection (report of 7 cases) Page:130—132
17. Simultaneous bilateral percutaneous nephrolithotomy Page:100—102