WPRIM Management System> DCMS> Journal of the Korean Hip Society> 2008> 20> 4

Volume: 20 Issue: 4

1. Delayed Intestinal Injury Caused by Intrapelvic Pin Migration after Open Reduction of an Acetabular Fracture: A Case Report. Page:330—333
2. Arthroscopic Treatment of Secondary Piriformis Syndrome by Perineural Cyst on the Sciatic Nerve: A Case Report. Page:326—329
3. The Expression of Extracellular Matrix mRNA in the Chondrocytes of the Femoral Head Affected by Avascular Necrosis. Page:320—325
4. The Surgical Treatment of External Snapping Hip by Modified Z-plasty (N-plasty) of the Iliotibial Band. Page:315—319
5. Multifocal Osteonecrosis. Page:311—314
6. Intravenous Zolendronic Acid for the Patients Treated Operatively after Hip Fracture: A Short-Term Safety Prospective Cohort Study. Page:305—310
7. The Relationship of Osteoporosis and Hip Fractures in Elderly Patients. Page:299—304
8. The Risk Factors of Delirium in Elderly Patients with Hip Fracture: A Prospective Study. Page:293—298
9. The Results of Proximal Femoral Nail Antirotation: A Comparative Study with Proximal Femoral Nail. Page:286—292
10. Comparison of the Targon(R)Proximal Femoral Nail and the Compression Hip Screw for Treating Intertrochateric Fracture of the Femur. Page:278—285
11. Comparison of the Clinical Outcomes between Internal Fixation and Primary Hemiarthroplasty for Treating Unstable Intertrochanteric Fracture in the Elderly. Page:273—277
12. Comparison of the Results of Internal Fixation of Femoral Neck Fracture According to the Fixation Methods. Page:265—272
13. The Retrieval Study of the Rough Blasted Surface Finish Cement Stem in Metal on Metal Total Hip Arthroplasty. Page:258—264
14. Short Term Results of Cementless Total Hip Arthroplasty with Using a Accolade TMZF Femoral Stem. Page:252—257
15. Total Hip Arthroplasty in the Fused Hip. Page:245—251
16. Periprosthetic Femoral Fractures in Total Hip Arthroplasty. Page:235—244