WPRIM Management System> DCMS> Parenteral & Enteral Nutrition> 1997> 0> 04

Volume: 0 Issue: 04

1. The effect of enteral nutrition support with low carbohydrate formula in critically ill patients with hyperglycemia Page:—
2. The effect of nutritional support on immune function in critically ill patients Page:—
3. A technique for long- term intravenous infusion in rats Page:—
4. Impact of mederate surgical trauma on substrate utilization Page:—
5. Measurement of energy expenditure in severely injured patients Page:—
6. Effects of soybean oil emulsion on stress response and immune function after esophagectomy Page:—
7. Methionine Dependency and the Therapy of Tumor Page:—
8. The nutrition behavior and function of whey protein Page:—
9. Progress of the mechanism of acquired growth hormone resistance in surgical critical illness Page:—
10. Effect of total parenteral nutrition with glutamine on the plasma endotoxin in the MODS patients Page:—
11. The enteral nutrition support for in the patients with cerebrovascular disease accompanied with type 2diabetes Page:—
12. The effect of early enteral nutrition on post-operation recovery of patients undergone liver transplantation Page:—
13. Effect of Lactobacillus plantarun onlly regulating intestinal epithelial permeability and tight junction response to pathogenic bacteria Page:—
14. The nutritional status evaluation of gastrointestinal carcinoma patients by mini-nutritional assessment Page:—
15. The amino acids metabolism of gastric cancer cells in D-methionine medium Page:—
16. Enteral fish oil immunonutrition prevents pulmonary dysfunction during intra-abdominal sepsis and hypertension in rats Page:—
17. The clinical research about preventive effect of microecological preparations on enteral nutriton related diarrhea in elderly patients Page:—
18. Influence of ?-3 fatty acids on the therapy of sepsis patients Page:—
19. Applicntion of early enteral nutrition support in critically ill patients Page:—
20. Treatment effect of enteral nutriention rich in diet fiber in diarrhea due to bacteria disorder after severe brain injuries Page:—
21. Perioperative nutrition management of liver transplantation patients Page:—
22. The influence of fibrin glue and glutamine on the healing of colon anastomoses after immediate postoperative intraperitoneal administration of 5-fluorouracil Page:—
23. A clinical study of perioperative nutritional support in patients with pancreaticoduodenectomy Page:—
24. The roles and mechanism of tumor-derived factors in the development of cancer cachexia Page:—
25. Hepatobiliary Complication of Total Parenteral Nutrition Page:—
26. Effects of total parenteral nutrition and enteral nutrition on pancreatic exocrine secretion and severe acute pancreatitis Page:—
27. The study on interrelation between colonic carcinoma tissue free amino acid and tumor volume Page:—
28. The role of endotoxin, TNF-? and IL-6 in inducing the growth hormone insensitivity Page:—
29. Enternal nutrition support of Nutrison fibre in neurosurgical coma patients Page:—
30. Total parenteral nutrition and somatostatin in the treatment of acute pancreatitis Page:—
31. The effect of GH-added early postoperative enteral nutrition on protein metabolism and immune function Page:—
32. Effect of adhesion of Lactobacillus to enterocyte-like HT-29 cells on filamentous cytoskeleton Page:—
33. Application of parenteral nutrition with fructose-1,6-diphosphate in elder abdominal operative patients Page:—
34. The effect of insulin directly added into TNA infusion on blood glucose level during parenteral nutrition support Page:—
35. Effect of Astragalus-supplemented enteral nutrition on immune function in type-2 diabetic patients with ischemic stroke Page:—
36. A clinical study on perioperative enteral nutrition for patients with colorectal cancer Page:—
37. Effects of perioperative glutamine-supplemented total parenteral nutrition support on nutritional status of patients with gastrointestinal cancer Page:—
38. X-ray assisted placement of the nasojejunal feeding tube and itsuse in early enteral nutrition of critical illness Page:—
39. Applications of Ussing chamber in intestinal barrier function research Page:—
40. The molecular regulating mechanisms of intestinal epithelial tight junctions response to pathogenic bacteria Page:—
41. The application of bioelectrical impedance measurement of body composition in patients with liver diseases Page:—
42. The research progress of intestinal trefoil factor Page:—
43. Resistant starch and metabolic syndrome Page:—
44. Early postoperative nutritional support of liver transplantation Page:—
45. Perioperative nutritional support in patients with liver transplantation Page:—
46. Early use of nutritional support in patients after liver transplantation Page:—
47. Perioperative nutrition support for lung transplantation Page:—
48. Effects of early enteral nutrition on postoperative recovery in patients with Gastric Cancer Page:—
49. Analysis of central venous catheter related sepsis Page:—
50. The effects of the extract mixture of alfalfa and perilla on lowering serum lipid, protecting liver and aortic wall in rats Page:—
51. The role of ATP-ubiquitin-proteasome pathway in the degradation of skeletal muscle protein during cancer cachexia Page:—
52. The effect of growth hormone added early enteral nutrition on nutritional status and complications in postoperative patients with hypertensive intra-cerebral hemorrhage Page:—
53. The use of needle catheter jejunostomy in liver transplantation Page:—
54. Effect of total parenteral nutrition support on immunity function in critically ill patients Page:—
55. Treatment effect of rational enteral nutrition in stress ulcer bleeding after severe brain injuries Page:—
56. Changes of biological functions of dipeptide transporter in severe burned rats and regulation of growth hormone Page:—
57. Developing continual medical education and researching talented persons of clinical nutritional support Page:—
58. Nutritional therapy on fatty liver Page:—
59. The postoperative nutritional management in liver transplantation patients Page:—
60. The neutral amino acid transporter ASCT2 in intestinal brush-border membrane:molecular and functional characteristics Page:—
61. The postoperative use of growth hormone in children with heart dizease Page:—
62. Effects of total parenteral nutrition in the treatment of severe head injuries Page:—
63. Glutamine transporters expressed in hepatocyte plasma membrane Page:—
64. The clinical observation in the prophylactic effect of EEN on pulmonary infection in patients with severe traumatic brain injury Page:—
65. The clinical application of early enteral nutrition in severe brain injury patients with mechanical ventilation Page:—
66. Up-regulation of TLR4 in the gut of rats after traumatic brain injury Page:—
67. Application of early enteral nutrition for patients with carcinoma of esophagus after operation Page:—
68. The relationship between abnormal glncose metabolism related factors and breast cancer Page:—
69. Clinical study of enteral nutrition support with low carbohydrate formula in severe traumatic brain injury patients with hyperglycemia Page:—
70. Application of nutritional risk screening in inpatients of digestive department Page:—
71. The tolerance and safety of nasogastric tube feeding and naso-jejunum tube feeding and incidence of aspiration pneumonia in ICU enteral nutrition patients Page:—
72. The intensive insulin therapy and different enteral nutrition in critically ill patients Page:—
73. The effects of glutamine on intestinal permeability after trauma Page:—
74. Measurement of intestinal permeability in normal Chinese volunteers Page:—
75. Enteral nutrition reduce pancreatic infection of severe acute pancreatitis in rats Page:—
76. A clinical study of the use of MCT/LCT and LCT in neonatal infants with hepatic dysfunction Page:—
77. Effect fo glutamine-supplemented total parenteral nutrition on surgical patients Page:—
78. Perioperative nutritional management of pancreaticoduodenal and kidney transplantation patients Page:—
79. Routes of surgical nutrition and immunity Page:—
80. Nutrition support of gastrointestinal tumor patient Page:—
81. Application of parenteral nutrition in the elderly postoperative patients with gastric carcinoma Page:—
82. Clinical analysis of multiple organ dysfunction syndrome complicated with hypoalbuminemia Page:—
83. Morphologic colonic adaptation following total small bowel resection in the rat Page:—
84. The effect of early enteral feeding on intestinal mucosal energy systhesis in burned rats Page:—
85. Analysis of efficacy and sensitivity of monitoring index during enteral nutrition with Pepti-2000 Variant in patients with gastrointestinal flstulas Page:—
86. Parenteral nutritional support in elderly patients with obstruction caused by colon cancer Page:—
87. The use of parenteral nutrition in postoperative patients with advanced ovarian cancer Page:—
88. Use of intravenous nutrition in very low birth weight infants Page:—
89. Effects of intravenous long chain triglyceride or long/medium chain triglyceride fat emulsion on lipid mediators during ANP in rats Page:—
90. Effects of a new crystalline amino acids solution on free radical metabolism and immune function in traumatized rats Page:—
91. The efficacy of glutamine-intensified nutrition support on systemic inflammatory response syndrome in the elderly Page:—
92. The metabolic response to traumatic brain injury and implications for nutritional support Page:—
93. Safety and efficacy of fat emulsion during parenteral nutrition in severe acute pancreatitis Page:—
94. Effects of enteral, parenteral nutrition and major gastrointestinal operation on levels of IL-10, CRP and HLA-DR expression Page:—
95. The effect of probiotics on the intestine microbial ecology Page:—
96. Simultaneous determination of lactulose and mannitol excretion ratio in urine by high performance liquid chromatography Page:—
97. A survey on the meal quanlity of male patients with chronic renal failure Page:—
98. Effect of enteral nutrition on the proliferation of colon mucosa in long fasting patients Page:—
99. The early enteral nutrition in severe acute pancreatitis Page:—
100. Application of early post-operative enteral nutrition in eldly patients with gastric neoplasm Page:—
101. The effects of glutamine on the splanchnic blood flow in rats with SAP Page:—
102. Clinical effect of preoperational oral nutrition supplementation in maxillofacial tumor patients Page:—
103. Bowel nutritional rehabilitation therapy for gut dysfunction after acute mesenteric artery ischemia Page:—
104. The efect of nutritional support with low carbohydrate formula in patients with pulmonary disease and respiratory failure Page:—