WPRIM Management System> DCMS> Chinese Journal of Geriatrics> 2001> 0> 03

Volume: 0 Issue: 03

1. Radiotherapy for cervical cancers in aged women Page:—
2. Study on activities of daily living and its related factors in the elderly in two cities of Anhui province Page:—
3. Preliminary study on the molecular mechanism for MPTP-induced dopaminergic neuronal degeneration in the substantia nigra of C57BL mice Page:—
4. The protective effects of nicotine from MPTP-induced Parkinson's disease in C57BL mice Page:—
5. The effects of ovariectomy and cholesterol rich diet on the content of estrogen receptor in vascular endothelial cells and hearts of female rats Page:—
6. The analysis of death rate and death causes of senile diabetic inpatients Page:—
7. Changes of colonic dynamics in elderly patients with chronic idiopathic constipation Page:—
8. Plasminogen activator inhibitor associated with coronary artery disease in elderly patients Page:—
9. The management of cardiopulmonary bypass in the patients over 70 years during open heart surgery Page:—
10. Evaluation of the large arterial remodeling in elderly hypertensives by ultrasonography Page:—
11. The diagnostic study on MRI and SPECT for the dementia Page:—
12. Study on mirror writing in elderly patients with senile dementia and vascular dementia Page:—
13. Relationship between nutritional status and respiratory muscle strength in elderly patients with chronic cor pulmonale in high altitude area Page:—
14. A 10-year follow-up study on pulmonary functions in elderly patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Page:—
15. Effect of G3PD modifier protein on the renal functions in aged rats with gentamycin-induced acute renal failure Page:—
16. Evaluation on the safety of cataract operation in outpatients over 80 years old Page:—
17. Clinic analysis on colonic polyps of elderly people Page:—
18. The evaluation of endoprostheses for the management of common bile duct occlusion by stones in elderly patients. Page:—
19. Clinical observation on effcets of paroxetine and alprazolam in the treatment of elderly patients with chronic primary insomnia Page:—
20. The relationship between the urine albumin excretion rate, the growth factors and bone density in elderly male patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus Page:—
21. Clinical and pathological analysis of sarcoidosis in 16 elderly patients Page:—
22. Analysis of the angiographic features and the cardiovascular risk factors in elderly patients with coronary heart disease Page:—
23. The role of recombinant human erythropoietin on the blood pressure in aged patients for maintenance hemodialysis Page:—
24. Ultrasonic cardiograph observations of the age related changes in cardiac structure and function Page:—
25. Study on calcium signal transduction pathway in hippocampal neurons of mice with vascular dementia and the effects of dihydroergocriptine Page:—
26. Preventive effect of lysine, proline, calcium ascorbate on experimental osteoporosis in ovariectomized rats Page:—
27. Identifying cellular senescence-associated genes by suppression subtractive hybridization Page:—
28. Effects of hypocaloric parenteral nutrition on metabolism and prognosis of aged post-traumatic patients, a randomized controlled study Page:—
29. The value of heart-type fatty acid-binding protein for early detection of acute myocardial infarction Page:—
30. Changes of intelligence and event-related potential P300 in the elderly patients with asymptomatic cerebral infarction Page:—
31. The effect of focal cerebral ischemic preconditioning on brain edema and the expression of NF-?B and its target gene MMP-9 in rats Page:—
32. Protective effect of both human TH and GDNF cDNA-engineered SH-SY5Y cells on primary dopaminergic neurons Page:—
33. The alteration of gene expression in cortex tissue following BALB/c rat aging Page:—
34. Effect of genetic intervention of AQP4 gene on the infarction size following cerebral ischemic reperfusion in rat Page:—
35. Treatment of elderly female stress urinary incontinence with tension-free vaginal tape procedure: a report 6 cases Page:—
36. To assess the value of dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI for diagnosis and difteretial diagonis of prostatic cancer Page:—
37. Dyslipoproteinemia and the gene polymorphism of cholesteryl ester transfer protein in postmenopausal women Page:—
38. A study on heart rate variability in elderly patients with sleep apnea/ hypopnea syndrome Page:—
39. Two-dimensional and three-dimensional dobutamine stress echocardiography in assessment of cardiac ischemia in the elderly Page:—
40. Isolation of differently expressed cDNAs from the hippcampus of rats with vascular dementia by RNA fingerprinting Page:—
41. Evaluation of the life quality in the elderly after phacoemulsification with intraocular lens implantation Page:—
42. Platelet function and endothelial cell disturbance in older non-valve cardiac patients with atrial fibrillation Page:—
43. Alzheimer-like pathologic changes in hippocampus of middle aged and old aged peole without dementia Page:—
44. Analysis of antibiotic resistance of Klebsiella pneumoniae and Escherichia coli in old patients with lower respiratory tract infections Page:—
45. CT features of thoracic sarcoidosis in senile and pre-senile patients Page:—
46. The relationship between point mutation of nt3394 T→C of mitochondrial DNA and type 2 diabetes mellitus in the elderly Page:—
47. Construction and expression of RNase-resisting virus-like particles containing PSA mRNA Page:—
48. Changes of gastric emptying after acute myocardial infarction in awake rats Page:—
49. Rosiglitazone promotes atherosclerotic plaque stability in apolipoprotein e-knockout mice Page:—
50. Study of curative effect of combined therapy in the elderly patients with oral squamous-cell carcinoma Page:—
51. The clinical features and strategies in the treatment of brain tumor in the elderly Page:—
52. Relationship between ambulatory pulse pressure and target organs damage in essential hypertensive patients Page:—
53. Efficacy and restenosis of cypher stent in elderly patients with coronary heart disease Page:—
54. Evaluation and comparison of various renal function tests in elderly patients with chronic kidney disease Page:—
55. Expression of PED/PEA-15 and XIAP in prostate cancer cells and their effects on prostate cancer cell (PC-3) apoptosis Page:—