WPRIM Management System> DCMS> Chinese Journal of Geriatrics> 1995> 0> 02

Volume: 0 Issue: 02

1. The effect of EGF on the expresstions of EGFR and HER-2 genes in human senescent cells Page:—
2. The role of geometry of upper femur on hip fracture in elderly women Page:—
3. Clinical value of serum CA_(125) determination for postmenopausal uterine endometrial carcinoma Page:—
4. Effect of RGD-insulin on activities of bone resorption and the possible mechanism in human osteoclast-like cells in vitro Page:—
5. Correlation of the p53 overexpression and human papilloma virus infection with the vulvar squamous cell carcinoma and the vulvar dystrophy in the elderly women Page:—
6. The influence of low-dose aspirin on the platelet aggregation in the elderly patients with ischemic cerebrovascular diseases Page:—
7. Clinical study of the changes in bone mineral density and bone ultrasound in elderly patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus Page:—
8. The Assessment of Bronchial hyperresponsiveness in 187 elderly subjects Page:—
9. A study on prevalence of elderly asthmatics in urban and rural areas of Liaoning Province Page:—
10. Effects of ageing on the expression of peroxisome proliferator-activated recept or ? and the relation to insulin resistance Page:—
11. Effect of 8-Br-cAMP and IPP on the expression of tau protein in various neural cell lines Page:—
12. The analysis of blindness and low vision by routine physical examination in the elderly Page:—
13. The evaluation of anesthesia depth monitoring with auditory evoked potentials index during induction and tracheal intubation for the elderly Page:—
14. The clinical models of memory impairment in mild Alzheimer’s disease Page:—
15. Conformal radiotherapy for elderly patients with advanced non-small-cell lung cancer Page:—
16. Study on the clinical characteristics of severe acute respiratory syndrome(SARS )in elderly patients Page:—
17. The safety and the therapeutic efficacy of ?-dihydroergocriptin in the treatment of Parkinson's disease by multi-center clinical trial Page:—
18. Effect of vascular endothelial growth factor on myocyte apoptosis of rats with acute myocardial infarction Page:—
19. The clinical analysis of capsule endoscopy value for the examination of intestinal diseases Page:—
20. Study of ~1H-and ~(31)P-MRS in rat brain under chronic cerebral ischemia Page:—
21. Influence of ozagre sodium on cerebral ischemic tolerance and expression of nuclear factor-?B in rats Page:—
22. The investigation of the eye condition and analyses of the diseases in the longevous aged 90 years or over Page:—
23. The study on the relationship between carotid atherosclerosis and the level of serum uric acid in elderly women with hypertension Page:—
24. Retrospective analysis of clinical data of elderly patients hospitalized with community-acquired pneumonia Page:—
25. Stereotactic radiotherapy in elderly patients with advanced pancreatic cancer Page:—
26. Relationship between collagen Ⅰ,MMP-2 and TIMP-2 gene expression and atrial fibrosis and fibrillation during heart failure in dogs. Page:—
27. An analysis of the dental plaque microbiology of root surface caries in elderly patients Page:—
28. A clinical study of laparoscopic colorectal surgery for patients aged 70 years and over Page:—
29. Clinical analysis of 122 elderly cases of acute pancreatitis Page:—
30. Clinical study on elderly patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus complicated by septicemia Page:—
31. Clinical observation of elderly patients with coronary heart disease undergoing coronary artery bypass grafting through descending thoracic aorta Page:—
32. Study on the characteristics of auditory verbal memory in mild cognitive impairment Page:—
33. The immunological features and clinical values of plasma autoantibodies to A? in elderly patients with Alzheimer's disease Page:—
34. The correlation between Val66Met polymorphism in BDNF gene and Alzheimer's disease Page:—