Volume: 11 Issue: 1

1. A Case of Tubulovillous Adenoma Involving Ampulla of Vater, which Recurred after Local Excision. Page:93—96
2. Traumatic Pancreatic Transection Diagnosed by Emergent Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangiopancreatography: A Case report. Page:89—92
3. Report of a Case of Menetrier's Disease. Page:85—88
4. A Case of Removal of Coins from Gastroesophageal Junction with Gastroendoscope and Biopsy Forceps. Page:81—83
5. Dilatation of Severe Corrosive Esophageal Stricture Guided by Right Coronary Artery Catheter. Page:77—80
6. A Case of Herpes Esophagitis Confirmed by Electron Microscopic Findings. Page:73—76
7. Evaluation of the Safety, Successfullness and Effectiveness of Endoscopic Nasobiliary Drainage (ENBD) without Endoscopic Sphicterotomy (EST). Page:65—72
8. A Study for Mechanism of Occlusion of Biliary Stents: A Electron Microscopy Study and Analysis of the Clogging Material. Page:57—63
9. Endoscopic Application of Self - Expanding Wallstent. Page:51—56
10. ERCP in Acute Pancreatitis. Page:43—49
11. Endoscopic Manometry of Sphincter of Oddi in Patients with Common Bille Duct Stone. Page:33—41
12. A Case of Bleeding Duodenal Varices Confirmed with Intra - operative Endoscopy. Page:29—32
13. A Case of Solitary Rectal Ulcer Syndrome. Page:113—116
14. A Case of Melanosis Coli: A Case with history of rectal instillation of petroleum. Page:109—112
15. Endoscopic Appearances of Metastatic or Invasive Cancers to the Colorectum. Page:105—108
16. A Case of Hepatic Metastasis of Ileal Adencarcinoma. Page:101—104
17. A Case of Double Primary Cancer in Stomach and Rectum. Page:97—100