Volume: 21

1. Seroepidemiologic survey of residents and urban rats against the etiologic agents of hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome in Singapore. Page:77—85
2. Evaluation of anti-human immunodeficiency virus compounds by MTT 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyl tetrazolium bromide assay. Page:69—76
3. hematoimmunologic findings in AIDS patients. Page:61—67
4. Application of micro-ELISA technique for detection of specific IgM in Russian spring summer encephalitis patients. Page:57—60
5. Antigenic potency test of hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome-inactivated vaccine and susceptibility test from challenge of vaccinated animal with Hantaan virus. Page:49—55
6. Demonstration of Hantaan virus antigens in lymph nodes, thymuses and bone marrows from SD inoculated with Hantaan virus. Page:41—48
7. Cloning of the hyphantrica cunea nuclear polyhedrosis virus partial EcoRI genome DNA fragments in plasmid vectors pUC8 and pBR322. Page:35—40
8. Location and cloning of the polyhedrin gene of hyphantria cunea nuclear polyhedrosis virus. Page:25—34
9. Identification of G1, G2 and N protein of Hantaan virus in an inactivated HFRS vaccine. Page:19—23
10. Comparative study od serologic diagnostic tests against Hantaan virus. Page:87—103
11. Synthesis of a full-length coxsackievirus A9 RNA by in vitro transcription. Page:105—111
12. Improvement of titration methods for porcine rotavirus, its serum neutralizing antibody and of virus isolation from feces. Page:113—117
13. Propagation of Hantaan virus on human T-lymphoid cell lines. Page:119—126
14. Isolation of hemorrhagic efver with renal syndrome virus from peripheral blood leukocytes of patients. Page:141—149
15. Prevalence of antibodies against hepatitis viruses(HAV, HBV and HCV) and seroconversions of HBsAb and HBsAg in vaccinees. Page:151—161
16. Immunogenicity of Aujesky's disease virus isolated from the diseased piglets in Korea I. immunogenicity of the inactivated Aujesky's disease virus with aluminum hydroxide gel adjuvant. Page:163—172
17. Haemagglutination inhibition antibodies of Japanese encephalitis virus to bats, Korea. Page:173—178
18. Effect of hormone on adenovirus type 12-induced transformation. Page:179—192
19. Studies on the relationship between cell proliforation and human cytomegalovirus multiplication: effect of papaverine and methotrexate. Page:193—200
20. Restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis of varicella-zoster virus isolated in Korea. Page:201—210
21. Propagation of varicella-zoster virus isolated in Korea. Page:1—9
22. Expression and characterization of a new type of human papillomavirus DNA derived from a penile carcinoma. Page:11—18
23. Seroepidemiologic study of Hantavirus infection of wild birds and bats in Korea. Page:127—134
24. The distribution of antibody to Hantaan virus and prevalence rate of hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome among Korean, 1991. Page:135—140