WPRIM Management System> DCMS> Journal of Korean Breast Cancer Society> 2001> 4> 2

Volume: 4 Issue: 2

1. Expression Pattern of Glucose Transporter GLUT1 Protein & Its Correlation with Prognostic Factors in Breast Cancer. Page:161—166
2. Expression Pattern of Glucose Transporter GLUT1 Protein & Its Correlation with Prognostic Factors in Breast Cancer. Page:161—166
3. Correlation between p53 and MIB1 Index Expression of Primary Tumor and Metastatic Lymph Node in Breast Cancer. Page:152—160
4. Expression of p53, c-erbB2, bcl-2, Cathepsin D in Infiltrating Ductal Cancer of the Breast. Page:144—151
5. Expression of p53, c-erbB2, bcl-2, Cathepsin D in Infiltrating Ductal Cancer of the Breast. Page:144—151
6. Prognosis of GLUT1 Expression in Human Breast Carcinoma. Page:167—171
7. Relationship between Cathepsin D Expression and Other Prognostic Factors in Primary Breast Cancer. Page:172—178
8. Apoptosis Related Protein Expressions in Immunohistochemical Staining Using Tissue Microarrays of Breast Cancer. Page:179—184
9. The Significance of Cytokeratin-20 Detection in Peripheral Blood and Bone Marrow of Breast Cancer Patients. Page:185—191
10. The Relationship between Plasminogen Acti- vator Inhibitor-1 and Bone Marrow Microme- tastases in Breast Cancer. Page:192—197
11. A Pychosocial Support Program for Women with Primary Breast Carcinoma. Page:99—105
12. A Pychosocial Support Program for Women with Primary Breast Carcinoma. Page:99—105
13. Causes and Sexual Hormonal Changes in Patients with Gynecomastia. Page:106—110
14. Causes and Sexual Hormonal Changes in Patients with Gynecomastia. Page:106—110
15. Reduction Surgery for Giant Breast. Page:111—114
16. Reduction Surgery for Giant Breast. Page:111—114
17. Incidence and Characteristics of Thyroid Nodules in Patients with Breast Cancer. Page:115—119
18. Incidence and Characteristics of Thyroid Nodules in Patients with Breast Cancer. Page:115—119
19. Micrometastasis of Sentinel Lymph Node in Breast Cancer. Page:120—127
20. Micrometastasis of Sentinel Lymph Node in Breast Cancer. Page:120—127
21. Factors Influencing the Recurrence of Breast Cancer Following Modified Radical Mastectomy. Page:128—135
22. Factors Influencing the Recurrence of Breast Cancer Following Modified Radical Mastectomy. Page:128—135
23. Clinical Value of CEA, CA15-3 and TPS in Breast Cancer. Page:136—143
24. Clinical Value of CEA, CA15-3 and TPS in Breast Cancer. Page:136—143
25. Correlation between p53 and MIB1 Index Expression of Primary Tumor and Metastatic Lymph Node in Breast Cancer. Page:152—160