Volume: 21

1. Chronotype in Relation to Bipolarity, Suicidal Ideation, and Auditory Evoked Potentials in Patients with Major Depressive Disorder : Preliminary Study. Page:14—20
2. A Review of Brain Magnetic Resonance Imaging Correlates of Successful Cognitive Aging. Page:1—13
3. Thyroid Hormones, Cognitive Impairment, Depression and Subjective Memory Complaint in Community-Dwelling Elders with Questionable Dementia in Korea. Page:175—181
4. The Meaning of P50 Suppression: Interaction of Gamma and Alpha Waves. Page:168—174
5. Associations between Smartphone Addiction Proneness and Psychopathology. Page:161—167
6. The Sex-Related Differences of Relationships between 2D : 4D Ratio and Electroencephalographic Coherence in Patients with Schizophrenia Compared with Controls. Page:151—160
7. Inner and Outer Resources of Coping in Newly Diagnosed Breast Cancer Patients: Attachment Security and Social Support. Page:141—150
8. Neurobiological Basis of Anxiety Related Disorders. Page:128—140
9. Introduction of the Concept of Social Dysfunction Spectrum. Page:118—127
10. Biological Predictors of Alzheimer's Disease Treatment. Page:115—117
11. Clinical Significance of Restless Legs Syndrome in Patients with Late Life Depression. Page:107—113
12. Association Analysis between (AAT)n Repeats in the Cannabinoid Receptor 1 Gene and Schizophrenia in a Korean Population. Page:99—106
13. Relationships between Chronotypes and Temperament and Character Dimensions in Healthy Young Adults. Page:93—98
14. The Relationship between Risk Taking, Impulsivity and Intolerance of Uncertainty. Page:87—92
15. Total Intracranial Volume Measurement for Children by Using an Automatized Program. Page:81—86
16. Poor Sleep Quality and Its Effect on Quality of Life in the Elderly with Late Life Depression. Page:74—80
17. Neurocognitive Deficits in Patients with Schizophrenia and Unaffected First-Degree Relatives. Page:65—73
18. Internet Game Overuser and Disembodiment : Neural Correlates as Revealed by Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging. Page:57—64
19. Psychotropic Prescription Patterns for Inpatients with Schizophrenia: 10-Year Comparison in a University-Affiliated Hospital in South Korea. Page:49—56
20. Revisiting History of Treatment of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder : Pharmacologic Approach. Page:37—48
21. The Quality of Life and Related Psychosocial Factors of Schizophrenia Patients Registered in Community Mental Health Center. Page:28—35
22. Gender Differences in Empathic Ability and Facial Emotion Recognition of Schizophrenic Patients. Page:21—27