Detection of miRNA gene sequence variations in multiple myeloma and its significance
- VernacularTitle:多发性骨髓瘤微小RNA基因序列突变的检测及其意义
- Author:
Ningyu ZHANG
Ming LI
Xiaomei TAO
Qiongli ZHANG
Jiacai ZHUO
Xin DU
- Publication Type:Journal Article
- Keywords:
Multiple Myeloma;
Sequence variation;
Polymerase chain reaction;
Polymorphism,single-stranded conformational
- From:
Journal of Leukemia & Lymphoma
- CountryChina
- Language:Chinese
Objective To investigate sequence variations of 12 miRNA genes in multiple myeloma(MM) in order to find whether sequence variations in miRNA genes are associated with tumorigenesis and discuss the clinical significance of MM associated with miRNA genes mutations. Methods The miRNA gene mutations in 20 cases of MM, 4 MM-derived cell lines and 20 controls were detected by the methods of polymerase chain reaction single stranded conformation polymorphism (PCR-SSCP) and silver staining technique. Both clinical features and laboratory results were analyzed simultaneously. Results The electrophoretic patterns showed a total of three variations in miR-19a, miR-19b and miRNA-335,which were observed in 3 MM cells (15 %, 3/20). We also found variations of miRNA-335 in MM-derived cell lines KM-3and RPMI8226. However, no sequence alteration in the miRNA genes was observed in our set of controls. One of the three MM patients died, and two of them were detected mutations at the terminal stage of the disease.Conclusion A relative high frequency of miRNA gene mutation was found in MM and MM derived cell lines, which suggests possibility of a main mechanism underlying tumorigenesis. And, detecting miRNA gene mutations in MM might be benefit to evaluate the progression and prognosis of disease.