The development of multifunction intravenous infusion quantitative packaging device.
- Author:
Shufang ZHAO
Ruihua LI
Lianhong SHEN
Author Information
1. Qingyang Municipal Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Qingyang 745000.
- Publication Type:Journal Article
- MeSH:
Drug Delivery Systems;
Drug Packaging;
Equipment Design;
Infusions, Intravenous;
- From:Chinese Journal of Medical Instrumentation
- CountryChina
- Language:Chinese
Aimed at tackling the compatibility issues arising from the drug reaction in intravenous infusion tube, we developed a simple, suitable and multi-function intravenous infusion tube for the special use for rescuing critical patients, the elderly, children etc. Each drug in a transfusion process can be filtered to realize quantitative packet and packet delivery. Thus, the drugs in the infusion tube are prevented from meeting with each other. No overlap, no particle pollution occurred. Stable performance and accurate dosage are maintained. As a result safety is ensured during drug delivery.